
Contact Info

198 West 21th Street, Suite 721 New York NY 10016

+91 80856 40727

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By registering and utilising our services you agree to the following terms and conditions outlined in this document which is effective as of the date you purchase services from Hosthrone. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of your use of Hosthrone’s Dedicated Server services (collectively, the “Services”) and represents the entire agreement between you and Hosthrone relating to the Services. By purchasing the Services, You acknowledge and agree that you have read, understand, acknowledge and agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, along with any new, different or additional terms, conditions or policies that Hosthrone may establish and post on its website from time to time.

Hosthrone Service

  1. Hosthrone reserve the right to decline services and goods to the customer.
  2. Hosthrone reserves the right to perform notified maintenance on all services provided to The Client and wherever possible will provide advanced notice of such maintenance.
  3. The customer must ensure they provide Hosthrone with a valid name, address, telephone and email contact address.
  4. The Customer must ensure his usage of the service provided by Hosthrone is within the guidelines set out in the Hosthrone Acceptable Usage Policy or AUP.
  5. Unless otherwise stated the service Hosthrone provides is unmanaged, although the Company will attempt to provide support for any 3rd party software and programs, no guarantee is made on the level of support Hosthrone provides for any 3rd party software.
  6. Any problems caused by The Customer to service, (which include, but are not firm to, deletion of necessary operating system files, accidental or intentional infection by a virus/Trojan) may result in extra charges to The Client.
  7. Hosthrone shall have the right upon prior written notice to relocate the Customer Equipment. In the event of an emergency, Hosthrone may relocate the Customer Equipment within such time as may be reasonable and without prior written notice as the circumstances reasonably warrant.

Payments and Terminations

  1. The Customer shall pay the charges for the services set out when signing up for the services on the order form.
  2. The customer is entering a thirty day monthly rolling contract unless specified in an additional service agreement between Hosthrone and the customer.
  3. The customer shall provide no less than three days cancellation notice before their billing anniversary date. The customer will provide this notification via email to or by recorded post to Hosthrone registered office address or by means of a cancellation support ticket through the customers control panel account at
  4. Hosthrone shall be entitled 30 days before and at any time after the expiry of the service term to increase service charges for a service upon thirty (30) days written notice to the customer.
  5. Hosthrone shall invoice the customer fourteen days before their service renewal date unless specified in an alternative agreement.
  6. Hosthrone requires all invoices to be paid within fourteen days of creation unless another agreement is in place between Hosthrone and the customer.
  7. Hosthrone reserves the right to suspend and/or disconnect any services for a customer with invoices that have not been paid by their due date.
  8. Hosthronet reserves the right to prohibit the customer access to their equipment or data if the customer has overdue invoices.
  9. Interest shall accrue on overdue invoices from the due date until payment (whether before or after judgment) at the rate of 1.5% per month. Interest shall accrue not withstanding termination of this agreement or any service for whatever reason.
  10. All sums due to Hosthrone are exclusive of value added tax and any other applicable sales tax or duty which shall be invoiced and payable at the then prevailing rate.
  11. The customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that its obligations to pay all amounts and charges due hereunder, and the rights of Hosthrone to such payments shall be absolute, unconditional and irrevocable and shall not be affected by any circumstances of any character, including, without limitation, any set-off, abatement, counterclaim, suspension, recoupment, reductions, rescission, defence or other right or claim that customer may have against Hosthrone.
  12. Upon cancellation of service Hosthrone will not be able to provide the customer with any refund for services which have been provisioned to the customer.
  13. The customer shall submit any billing disputes to Hosthrone no later than three days of an invoice due date.
  14. Customers will be notified by email when they reach 80% of their monthly data transfer allowance. Hosthrone cannot guarantee delivery of this email and the customer should check their bandwidth usage via the graphs and tables provided in their control panel account with Hosthrone.
  15. Customers that exceed their monthly data transfer limit are automatically charged at a rate of $0.05/Gb of data transfer.